Callout + Teaser Cards Block

Attributes & Benefits

The Callout + Teaser Cards Block for WordPress Gutenberg allows editors to create eye-catching sections with customizable callout messages and teaser cards. Editors can choose to use one or two teaser cards to highlight key content or features. The block is fully responsive, with elements neatly stacking on mobile devices for an optimal viewing experience. Additionally, editors can select alternative background and text colors to align with your brand’s style and messaging, making it perfect for drawing attention to important information or enticing readers to explore more.

Heading Appears Here

This is a full-bleed block. This is an area for the callout text message description. There is a setting to customize the background and text color of this area.

This block is responsive, elements stack on mobile.

Teaser Card 1

Small Description appears here

Teaser Card 2

Another Small Description

Callout Block

This iteration of the block is using the background color and text color settings. As well as the flip feature to display the card on the left instead of right side on desktop sized screens. On mobile the card still stacks below the message area.

Single Teaser Card

This is what the block looks like if you are only using one card.


  • Message Area

    Offers a heading, message, and button.

  • Optional Buttons

    Help funnel your users to more pages.

  • One or Two Teaser Cards

    Feature content with teaser cards.

  • Responsive

    Content stacks on mobile, the cards appear below the message.

  • Color Selection Options

    Hand Pick alternate background or message text colors.

  • Flip Content

    Use the flip/flop toggle to display the content on the opposite sides of the page.

  • Equalized

    The cards display at the same height, expanding to make the large amount of content to provide an consistent look and feel.

  • Cropped Images

    Images in cards cropped to the center so the images you upload display as the same shape no matter what shape image you upload.