

Attributes & Benefits

The Accordion Block is a versatile Gutenberg block designed to enhance page organization by allowing sections of content to expand and collapse with ease. Each accordion section includes a heading and a collapsible body, streamlining content presentation by displaying only headings upon page load. This functionality is ideal for creating FAQs or presenting detailed topics in a concise manner, enabling users to quickly scan headings and open specific sections for more information. The Accordion Block not only improves the user experience by keeping pages neat and navigable but also encourages deeper engagement with content by allowing users to explore topics at their own pace.

Accordion Block Heading

Share your Frequently Ask Questions in an easy-to-scan list.

Break up large amounts of content into bite-sized pieces

Create a list of services with details for each service in the collapsable message area.


  • Expand and Collapse with Ease

  • Heading Alignment